Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby… Well, Christian Sex Anyway: Interview with Sheila Gregorie | S4E11

We are SO excited to turn the show over to our wives, Sarah Pagano and Jessica Mercier so they could interview Sheila Gregorie, author of The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God IntendedThey also invited Sarah’s friend, Rachel Mast (who was one of the 20,000 women who participated in Sheila’s research survey), to co-host the episode.

In addition to all the great conversation and really important information, Sheila shared some exclusive content with them so FCT could be the first to break it. Make sure you listen after the ladies say bye to Sheila because there’s like 10 or 15 minutes of bonus content.

About The Authors

Sheila Wray Gregorie is the face behind ToLoveHonorandVacuum.com, which was the largest single-blogger marriage blog until she invited Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach and Joanna Sawatsky to join her. She’s also an award-winning author of nine books, including The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, and a sought-after speaker. 

Rebecca Gregorie Lindenbach is a psychology graduate, Sheila’s daughter, and the author of Why I Didn’t Rebel. Working alongside her husband, Connor, she develops websites focusing on building Jesus-centered marriages and families.

Joanna Sawatsky has a master’s degree in public health and is a trained microbiologist, epidemiologist, and biostatistician.

Connect with Sheila

Sheila’s Blog

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